Lean Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma training & Implementation Offered ...
The Elite Engineering Group Inc. can;
- perform a VSM (Value Stream Map) on any or all of your processes
- help you identify “waste” within any organization
- supply any of the needed training, including:
- DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control)
- DFSS (Design for Six Sigma)
- DFMA (Design for Manufacture and Assembly)
- SPC (Statistical Process Control)
- Used with various types of distributions
- Control Charts
- Attribute based (np, p, c, u). Variable based (X-R, X)
- Additional Variable based tools
- PRE-Control
- Common Cause Chart
- Moving Average
- Used with various types of distributions
Develop any training required for any organization.
No job is too big!
No problem cannot be solved.